Elite Extensions Hair Extensions are the premium hair extensions used by Traci Witherington and her teams at The Glamour Garage salons.
Traci has been doing hair extensions for over 15 years but experienced challenges with the lack of quality and colours available on the market at the time. Traci worked with multiple suppliers and worked on perfecting and tweaking each batch until we arrived at the best quality at a price fit for everybody.
Our hair is smooth, silky and soft to touch and 100% natural human hair.
“I personally have worn our Elite Extensions hair ever since the brand began – so I can vouch for the quality of what we use.” Traci Witherington
Our hair is retailed in many other salons and to mobile stylists across the UK.
– Want to train to be an extensionist now but worried about the cost? You can now spread the payments for up to 12 months with Payl8r.
– our little team is always here to help! Our salons are open 7 days a week – so if your close by you can order hair and pick it up quickly and easily.
– all used by us in salon – tools of the trade and amazing hair in up to 22 inches in length. We have used the same hair manufacturer for over 10 years.